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California District 54 Little League

Weather Safety

HEAT --  (LLB Appendix E: Heat Illness Prevention Protection Policy)

  • “No games or practice should be held when weather or field conditions are not good...”
  • Always be aware that children’s bodies cannot tolerate heat as well as adults (American Academy of Pediatrics).
  • In hot weather:

-  Provide shaded areas.
-  Encourage athletes/coaches to hydrate. Do not share water bottles.
-  Take water breaks and sit in the shade.
-  Wear sunscreen.

  • Always encourage parents to hold their child(ren) out of activity if they are concerned for their safety.


  • Check local air quality measurements and follow local health guidelines. Per District 54 policy, practice and games should be cancelled when AQI is 150 or greater.
  • For air quality index measurements:
  • Always encourage parents to hold their child(ren) out of activity if they are concerned for their safety.

LIGHTNING --  (LLB Appendix A: Lightning Safety Guidelines)

  • Have a lightning safety plan at league level to avoid errors in judgement.
  • Designate a “lightning monitor,” a person at the field who is not a coach, manager or umpire, who can follow the lightning plan guidelines.
  • Criteria that may be used to halt activities:

-  Lightning is observed.
-  Thunder is heard (usually means the storm is within 10 miles).
-  Time between lightning and thunder is 30 seconds or less (indicates storm is less than 6 miles away).

  • Wait at least 30 minutes after the storm before resuming activities.
  • If someone is struck by lightning, medical attention is usually needed immediately. Call 9-1-1. Provide CPR. If possible, move the person to a safer place to decrease risk of exposure to lightning.

California District 54 Little League

Erika Garcia-Ciucci, 3941 Park Drive 20-445
El Dorado Hills, California 95762
Phone : 408-772-9726
Email : [email protected]
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